In this map shows the population of Asians in the United States, sorted out by each county that they live in. Looking at the Asian Population Percentage Map you notice that most of the Asian populations in the United States are located in California, Washington and New York areas. Everywhere else the Asian population is scattered around many with less than 4 percent in the county area. The reason why the Asian population is very high in California is because of one of the Gold Rush era. 1848-1855 was the time of the California Gold Rush. Many people from China moved to California to find work to work in mines or hopefully to strike it rich. Also many people from China worked on the new railway system that was being built during this time. This resulted in an about 40 to 48 percent Asian population in the Northern California area. For Southern California the Asian is also dense because of Japanese population that was migrating during the late 1800s and early 1900s to run away from war. Even though these population percentages are high in these areas it is
still nothing to the population percentage of Blacks in the US.
The just below the Asian population map is the Black population map in the United States also being separated by counties. As you can see most of the Black population is located in the Southern parts of the United States with the densest population of blacks in Alabama and South Carolina areas, which reach as high as 86 percent. Probably the biggest reason for so dense populations is because these sights are the original sites of where slavery was the biggest during the late 1800s. After slavery had ended most of Black people stayed in these areas because they had nowhere else to go. There are still small amounts of population of blacks all around the United States stretching from 1 percent to about 12 percent. This map shows that the population of blacks as a whole is much greater than Asian.
In the last map shows the population percentage of other pure races in the United States. It shows that the highest density of population is located in the south west parts of the United States. These high density populations maybe because of high population of Mexican people. Southern California and south Texas are popular areas for Mexican immigrants to go when they move from Mexico. There is also a high population of other race in Washington but I am not sure what that race can be. There also a reasonable amount of other locations where there is high population of other races in areas such as New York and Florida. For Florida it could be high population of Cuban immigrants and New York it could be European immigrants.
All these maps tougher show how diverse the united States are. Different areas in the USA may have high density of certain races but they do not 100 percent dominate the areas. The information that was given from these maps is from the United States Census, which can be found at The maps are a version of the 2000 census and a new census is taken every 10 years, so the new census is currently being calculated. The census allows us to see how many people are residents of the United States, which places are populated areas and what races they are. GIS allows us to visually see this and helps us to sort out all the information.